
The restoration of God’s purpose and plan for mankind with his image and likeness in Adam (Mankind, male & female), to bless all families and all nations of the earth with the blessing of Abraham and his seed. (Gen 1:26-28; 12:1-3; 15:5; 17:1-22; 18:18-19; 22:16-18; 25:5-6; Gen 26:2-5; 23-24; Gen 27:27-29, 37-40; 28:2-4; 10-22; 35:9-15; 46:1-4; Gen 48; 49)

The Good News of the Kingdom of God is that God has provided the way out of the curse of death, sickness, and poverty. The Heavenly Father has provided the only means to restore his family on earth into right relationship with him. He has provided the  only way that we can truly prosper and find good success as his family and fellow workers on earth. It all begins with the Good News (Gospel).

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